Bible:  Word of God — Hebrews 4:12


                To know the will of God, we must know the Word of God : Hebrews 4:12.


            1. “For the Word of God”: The Bible, the mind of Christ.


            2. “is quick”: The Word is alive, keeps on being living. It was written 1900 years ago and more, but every doctrine, every promise, is just as pertinent today as it was then. It has always been contemporary.


            3. “and powerful”: It is a source of operational power. Psalm 138:2b “ … thou hast magnified they word above all thy name.”


            4. “sharper than any two-edged sword”:

                        a) Unbeliever: The gospel — only portion that can be understood by the unbeliever through his soul. (No human spirit)

                        b) Believer: (Holy Spirit teaches the human spirit) Doctrine essential for a believer to understand.


                        The essence of God

                        Positional truth — top circle.

                        Retroactive positional truth — cross circle.

                        Experiential Positional Truth — bottom circle.

                        Faith-rest, Rebound, spirituality, edification complex.


            5. “piercing”: The Bible is beneficial because of its penetrating power.


            6. “dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit”: The Bible is the only book that differentiates between the soul and the spirit.


            7. “of the joints and the marrow”: Material part of the believer. The Bible can distinguish, even as the knife of a surgeon can distinguish. Just as the surgeon penetrates, so the Bible penetrates the invisible inner man.


            8. “is a discerner”: It is a critic of every thought and motive you will have.


            9. “thoughts and intents”: Motivation.


            10. “of the heart”: Of the mind.